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Glim Services BVBA

Dennenbostraat 13, 3690 Zutendaal

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+32 (0)477 678 123


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  • Maandag - vrijdag09:00 - 18:00
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Glim Services BVBA

Dennenbostraat 13, 3690 Zutendaal

Vraag Offerte aan

Bent u op zoek naar een kwalitatieve partner voor uw volgende project?

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+32 (0)477 678 123


We zijn blij om je te ontmoeten tijdens onze werkuren. Maak gerust een afspraak.

  • Maandag - vrijdag09:00 - 18:00

The Shale Oil and Gas Revolution

The Shale Oil and Gas Revolution has changed the energy world. Glax has kept pace by providing crucial and timely exploration, production, quality, quantity inventory, compliance, certification, training, inspection and logistics support and expertise to an industry in radical transition.

Shale Oil Beats “Peak Oil”

Thanks to shale oil and gas, the world’s economy is no longer running out of energy-rich hydrocarbons. Rather, we’re now awash in a global bath of cheap oil and gas. What happened to cause this dramatic change in fortune? Simply put, North American Shale Oil and Gas Happened, using the combination of Hydraulic Fracturing and Horizontal Drilling technologies. 

The combined technologies, hydraulic fracturing and radial horizontal well drilling, provided unprecedented accessibility to the huge hydrocarbon-rich shale deposits of North America. Glax upstream oil & gas technical services helped clients to evaluate potential production sites and shale crude reservoirs, and to optimize production while supporting asset integrity management programs. 

Starting in 2011, the massive growth of shale oil and gas production began in key regions such as West Texas and North Dakota, transforming the USA crude oil and natural gas markets in a profound and permanent way. Less expensive natural gas prices thanks to shale gas production has sparked a rapid restructuring of the power generation industry as power-plants reduce coal and turn to natural gas. Inexpensive feedstocks have fueled a massive expansion of the petrochemical industry and the construction of new Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export plants. 

The impact of shale oil on the domestic and then international crude oil market was no less dramatic during this time. The tsunami of new shale crude oil flooded the USA with inexpensive petroleum feedstocks and condensates. These new crudes found welcoming markets, benefiting Inland refiners at first, but soon followed by East Coast, Gulf Coast, and West Coast refineries. Limited pipeline networks in the new shale areas meant that “Crude-by-Truck” and especially “Crude-by-Rail” became viable options to get these new crude oils to market. “Crude-by-Water” has witnessed tremendous growth as barges, Jones Act Tankers, and limited international export tankers activity has ballooned in volume. 

Pipelines built after World War II to send imported crude oil north from the Gulf Coast to landlocked inland refiners were reversed for the first time in their long existence, sending domestic shale crude south to Texas and Louisiana refiners and beyond. New refineries were built for the first time in decades and old ones reopened, purpose-built to handle the new shale crudes. 

Imported crude oil from West Africa, the Middle East and Latin America were essentially replaced by the usage of domestic USA shale oil. Quiet places like the Bakken and Eagle Ford became household names and experienced rapid economic expansion and population growth, not unlike the California Gold Rush of 1849. 

Service Features

  • High-tech exploration and production methods

  • Cold-climate operations

  • Development of oil sands, heavy oil and sour gas

  • Gas processing, sulphur extraction and heavy oil upgrading

  • Construction and operation of pipelines

  • Specialized controls and computer applications

How We Do It

We are guided by the same basic precepts

Provide quality workmanship and exemplary client service. Employ people of the highest integrity and skill. Provide a safe work environment for our employees and subcontractors.

Glax's work ethic runs deep

From the beginning, honesty and clear vision along with hard work and imagination have been integral parts of our steady and diversified growth.

We have created a culture

We have created a culture that promotes Trust and we are extremely proud of that. This culture has produced a team that likes what they are doing and that is why we do what we do so well.

Glax LLC

We build your dream house. Contact us for detailed information.

Other Services

  • Basic & Industrial Chemicals

    Helping our customers go to market and maintain expensive machinery with lubricants, fluids and additives testing plus inspection and certification for

  • Energy & Commodities

    Today’s energy and commodities industries power and feed the world economy. The efficient and effective operation of these projects is vital